Modern Classic Style Bedroom

Total Area:
Location: Saudi Arabia
Project Year: 2022

Charm and nobility of the modern classic

Modern classic is characterized by rational restraint and, at the same time, requires attention to detail. It's always laconic but not minimalist. And this is the direction we have chosen to decorate the spacious, filled with the natural light bedroom. Furniture without excessive decorations and carvings combined with elegant decor elements maintains a calm atmosphere. The rich texture of velvet does not visually burden the interior and does not conflict with other details. On the contrary, it complements the overall picture with the brilliance of surfaces and golden fittings. To delimit the space, we used a traditional architectural element - an arch. The symbiosis of gorgeous moldings on the walls and a plasma TV once again bring us to the chosen concept. The color scheme in this interior refers to neutral, light shades. Saturated tones focus on decorative elements, furniture, and textile. A discreet, sleek wardrobe combines open and closed storage. An accent wall by the bed headboard creates a focal point in the bedroom.


Plus Decor Exterior


Modern Villa